Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Kardashians vs Jenners Through Karl Marx Perspective

After the divorce between Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner, the two families haven't been the same. The divorce may seem simple and clean on paper, but behind closed doors the two despise each other, according to a source at OK! magazine. The entire family is at war trying to decide whose side to take. I have observed through watching many episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians that there is a lot of tension between the two families. The tension between the two families is splitting the families apart. Kris and Bruce didn't think that the divorce would destroy the family but, Kendall and Kylie Jenner feel like they're being forced to choose sides. Kendall has even banned her sister Kim Kardashian from any of her fashion shows and Brody refused to attend Kim and Kanye's wedding.. Bruce's kids are just getting tired of all of Kris's schemes and making it seem like she's wonderful woman when she really just uses her kids for money and fame.\

I will be applying Karl Marx's conflict theory to breakdown why there is so much conflict between the two families. Marx's theory believes that there is a division between social classes and that the wealthy run society. Basically, the more money you have, the more power you have. He believed that someone's economic position directly effects their chances of obtaining the desirables in society and this causes many conflicts because the wealthy people are only looking for personal gain. You see his theory in society all the time now because of how money and power hungry everyone is.

Most people view the Kardashian/Jenner family as a fun loving family that is always looking out for each other, but behind closed doors there is conflict among the two families. Where did all this unnecessary tension come from? Sources say that the tension has been rising throughout the years. Karl Marx separated classes (a system of ordering society by dividing people into groups) by bourgeoisies , the people in power, and the proletarians, the working class. An outsider looking in would consider the Kardashians the bourgeoisies because they have the most money and fame. The Jenners would be the proletarians because they aren't as "well-known" as the Kardashians and don't make as much money as them, but what is the capital, or wealth or asset being gained, that the two families are fighting for?

So is it true? Is all the arguing and fighting to gain more fame and money? Many believe so! The Kardashian and Jenner feud has gotten worse of the past few months and is only tearing the family apart. Karl Marx's theory helped me understand the conflict going on because it made me more aware of how the Jenners felt about the Kardashians. They feel as if the Kardashians think they're better than them because they have more money and populatity, especially Kris, who the Jenners feel uses her children for he own personal gain. All in all I believe that there is more conflict and tension going on between the families than they let the media eye see.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jasmine,

    after reading your blog I had to send it Ms. Clayton because I felt she would appreciate your "obsession" with the Kardashians...haha. Okay now to more serious feedback. Your introduction is very informative but at times you loose a bit of your voice because you summarize without reflection. Overall, your introduction is good. While your blog is a more creative and free style type of writing, I want to point something out for your more formal writing assignments. The following is a super BOLD claim.."Bruce's kids are just getting tired of all of Kris's schemes and making it seem like she's wonderful woman when she really just uses her kids for money and fame." When you claim something so bold you want to make sure to back that up with evidence because as a reader I could question you and feel that you are being biased, using common sense, or simply stating unsupported opinions. I would try not to start a sentence with "Basically", try to choose another word. I would also recommend you proof read and self edit your writing for minor mistakes that can make reading your blog more smooth. Your blog is very entertaining and you do a great job introducing and applying Karl Marx's theory, which for many was the most challenging. Next time think about challenging yourself with a bolder social issue (out of your comfort zone). I think this could help you include your voice more in your writing. Even if you choose a light topic such a celebrities I would like to see you use more satire, comedy (when you talk you are quirky... add that to your writing), or even sarcasm when challenging your sources. Because I know you very well It is more obvious to me when your writing voice does not match your own voice. Good job overall on your blog!

    -Ms. Garza
